November 2023

2 Minutes

“I’ve seen more signs of life in a morgue!”: Eddie Fowlkes played Detroit Beatdown at the weekend after naming controversy – but the atmosphere (as captured by Juan Atkins) left much to be desired…

Regular readers will probably recall an article that we published on 17th November, where we covered some controversy over Detroit Beatdown’s name – in short, its use seemed a little inappropriate after recent events...
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Well, this is awkward! As the fallout from Gambia’s Fajara Dance Festival that never happened continues, it turns out Resident Advisor plugged it in a Top 10 of festivals for November…

This weekend, Ears To The House is still looking into the fallout from Fajara Dance Festival – the Gambian event that was due to start on November 21st, but never even started. For example,...
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