I take all complaints received on this page extremely seriously. With that in mind, I shall post yet another nugget on Mr Sterling Void.
There was the time he promised me the opportunity to remix “Runaway Girl” – this turned out to be a lie, as he never sent the stems over. There was also the time he offered me the chance to remix “I Don’t Wanna Go”. That’s what the screenshot of this conversation refers to.

He offered the vocal stems to anyone who asked. I asked and he sent them to my email address. I had no idea what he meant in this conversation by “we took them from the original record”, but I was soon to find out.
I checked my emails, expecting a WAV or an MP3. With some older tunes, MP3 copies are all that’s available, which doesn’t normally cause problems. I saw MP3 and opened it. Dear oh dear oh dear.
I literally could not believe what I was hearing. I actually sent them to a friend in disbelief. Was it really as bad as I thought? Yes is the answer. I don’t have them anymore, but imagine that the song was being played on someone’s phone in some dingy old pub toilets, then someone was recording that on their phone.
It really was absolutely diabolical. Unsurprisingly, even our favourite Chicago shyster wasn’t daft enough to come back and ask me how I’d got on.
I understand that he has recently found the stems – presumably from the DAT rather than “the original record” – and is due to release new mixes of it soon. I hope for his sake that they’re the right ones. Otherwise, he’s going to look even more of a fool…