Hello, everyone. I thought it was time to level with you all. First of all, I’d better let you know where I’ve been for the past few days. I’ve been spending time with my family, which increased in number last Friday with the arrival of a son. So I’ve been enjoying been part of a family of five and a dad of three.
I’ve been thinking about the future for the Amateur At Play thing online, and I’ve made a few decisions. Firstly, I’m launching a new blog in a few weeks time. All my thoughts, reports and everything else will feature there from now on. That includes the Six On Saturday, which will return there in the New Year.
I spend a lot of time creating content for my social media pages, and I’m utterly sick of my posts only being seen by a tiny percentage of my followers. I have experienced of running a blog from many years ago, and I want the people who visit me to see what I write in exactly the way I write it.
I’m still going to be creating music, writing about it and causing the odd bit of mischief, it just won’t be subject to volatile social media algorithms anymore!
Right, back to my time off. I’ll be announcing more changes in the near future.
Oh, and since everyone and their dog is posting these today, here’s mine for reference…