On the week that a French woman went to court to try and convince the government that she hasn’t been dead for the past three years, I go through the tunes that would get the seal of approval from any judge!
1. Soul De Funk – Hello Cosmos (Smashing Trax)
I’m not particularly drawn to the original of this. Truth be told, there’s something about it that grates me. Thank goodness for the Chico Flash remix which takes it into somewhere between deep and garage house. Much more enjoyable.
2. Roberta Gilliam – Your Love Is Taking Me Over (Unkwn Rec)
Think you’ve heard this before? If you were around in the early 90s, you most probably did. It first emerged in 1990. Chris Bass provides two extremely respectful updates of the classic song. The vocal mix is very strong and the dub is very fun. Excellent work.
3. Mr Tune Feat. D-Lo – Don’t Give Up (Bubble ‘N’ Twist)
I have no idea why the original of this is so fast. It’s a good song with some interesting ideas stuck in there, but I’d have to slow it down to listen to it. Thank heavens that Tony Fuel appears to agree with me and slowed his remix down. His version wins comfortably here.
4. Peppe Santangelo Feat Venessa Jackson – Back On Track (S)
One thing you’ll never be when listening to a Venessa Jackson record is bored. She seems to be at home pretty much anywhere and this performance here is one of the best I’ve come across. The arrangement is clever – sparse barely covers it, but Jackson’s playful vocals are a work of genius.