Promotions in this brave new world…

Yesterday, I made a mention on my Facebook page that I was going to be promoting things differently from this year. A few people have since got in touch to ask me what I meant by that.

So I’ll tell you.

Last year, I noticed that social media algorithms were really punishing my posts. Barely anyone was seeing what I wrote. I figured it was because I was writing so much stuff. Which, when you’re trying to promote your new single or remix or whatever, is not a good thing at all.

So I’ve decided to do things differently from now on. Facebook and Instagram will see the main marketing. It’ll all be straight to the point. That means videos with the tracks, Instagram and Facebook stories and stuff like that. Basically the sort of stuff you expect on social media.

The more detailed information, such as the stories behind the records, will be mostly featuring on this website instead.

This means anyone who wants to see my releases can do so without having to sift through loads of other stuff first. And those of you who do like the stories from behind the scenes can simply come here and get them without, well, having to sift through loads of other stuff first.

I’ll also be experimenting with track deconstructions and videos giving you the stories instead. Stay tuned!


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