Why I WON’T be adopting a new alias after all!

I recently explained that I had started experimenting with the 2-step garage sound. I explained that I was not giving up on my usual fare, but that I was also mulling over using a new alias for this new music.

I thought I ought to mention that I’ve decided not to introduce a new alias. Before I explain why, I thought I’d show you my first release on this kind of vibe – it’s available on preorder right now, actually.

Not bad, eh? More to come if you like – more of the conventional house fare if you don’t. Everybody wins!

Anyway, back to the post. The first reason I decided against was because it’s a nightmare in this day and age keeping multiple social media pages updated with the latest information.

The second is because I don’t think it’s necessary to do this any more. In the vinyl days, if you released something under a certain name on one label, it was often a condition in the contract that you could not release anything elsewhere under that name for a certain amount of time after release. Vinyl was expensive and the labels wanted to protect their investment.

This is no longer the case, so it’s unnecessary. Whenever a release has something 2-step on it, I’ll promote it that way. Remixes will be easy to work out – they’ll have the words “2-Step Vox, “2-Step Dub” or wording close to that.

I hope you enjoy this new sound as much as my existing one.


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