There is much frothing at the mouth for the Covid deniers and anti-vaxxer dingbats this morning. Whilst Boris Johnson rushes to get England out of lockdown entirely in less than three weeks, Wales is taking a slightly different approach.
They’ve announced that they’re hanging onto their Test and Trace scheme until spring next year. This report on BBC News doesn’t explicitly say this, but it looks to me like the strategy is to keep this stuff in place as the country eases lockdown rules so that they can crack down on any outbreaks – thus preventing the need for more lockdowns.
Not only that, but their success rate at reaching people is extremely high. Sounds sensible. Compare and contrast to the shambolic English system, where I understand that a significant number of tracers were dismissed last month after their contracts expired.
Just what will it take for people to finally ask – why is England the only nation of the UK and the only one in the world, as far as I know, to set this totally arbitrary date for removing its restrictions?