16 June 2021

News -3 Minutes

Everyone’s blaming Boris Johnson for lockdown carrying on in England – and they’re right – but aren’t the industry just a little bit to blame for this predicament?

Before anyone comes at me claiming I’m a Tory stooge, let’s get this out of the way. I hold no truck for Boris Johnson. I think he’s the worst Prime Minister in living memory....
News -1 Minute

Djoon fundraiser that Terrence Parker pushed is barely halfway towards its target with 5 days to go – but still no word on how much money the man himself donated

The fundraiser to save French nightclub Djoon is not going all that well, unfortunately. With only 5 days to go, they’re at 51% of their €50,000 target. Even a push from club favourite Terrence...
News -1 Minute

Is it not hypocrisy when your mates do it? Sacha Lord accused of double standards booking plague rave favourites Solardo – whilst also condemning plague raves on his Twitter account!

The activities of plague rave favourites Solardo were documented back on Monday. I also noted at the time that they’d been booked by Sacha Lord for the Parklife Festival, due to take place in...
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