Is it not hypocrisy when your mates do it? Sacha Lord accused of double standards booking plague rave favourites Solardo – whilst also condemning plague raves on his Twitter account!

The activities of plague rave favourites Solardo were documented back on Monday. I also noted at the time that they’d been booked by Sacha Lord for the Parklife Festival, due to take place in September.

One of my insiders claims that the chances of Lord cancelling Solardo’s booking is “less than zero” – even when they’re now actively trying to organise an illegal rave publicly through their social media channels. I shall simply draw your attention to this tweet by Sacha Lord himself on plague raves…

Funny how Sacha doesn’t apply the same standards to his own friends…


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2 thoughts on “Is it not hypocrisy when your mates do it? Sacha Lord accused of double standards booking plague rave favourites Solardo – whilst also condemning plague raves on his Twitter account!

  1. What’s with your attraction to rule breakers, Sacha? Mr Lord is on Twitter complaining about Dua Lipa’s tour being postponed – who spent most of lockdown ignoring it – Amateur's House 29 June 2021 at 10:25

    […] mind of Sacha Lord is a truly strange and contradictory place. It’s a place which condemns plague raves in his native Manchester, yet sees no issue booking plague rave DJs for his Parklife Festival. And […]

  2. Everyone’s blaming Boris Johnson for lockdown carrying on in England – and they’re right – but aren’t the industry just a little bit to blame for this predicament? – Amateur's House 16 June 2021 at 21:11

    […] would immediately announce Solardo’s removal from the Parklife Festival lineup, stating that such behaviour was totally unacceptable and in contrast to his own publicly expressed […]

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