Either Simon added an extra nought on the order form, or no one’s buying them – which is the explanation for the “limited edition” Todd Edwards T-shirts not selling out?

Back on May 26th, I wrote about T-shirts that Defected were selling, brandishing the slogan “Jesus Loves UK Garage”. Todd Edwards used to wear them back in the day – and Mr Dunmore thought he could get some printed up and sell alongside the House Masters compilations.

Todd Edwards explicitly described them at the time as limited edition. Defected did much the same on their social media. Yet the shirts remain available as of the time of writing. So what’s going on here, then?

I’m sure that my polite suggestion that this shirt was available elsewhere for a lower price and with quicker delivery – not to mention the correct typeface – didn’t hurt sales. I’d better not do it again though, just to be on the safe side…


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