That’s another $10k you’re not getting! Derrick May says he’s not at Awakenings this year due to founder Rocco Veenboer being “a racist MF” – but the truth is very, very different…

The lineup for the two day long Awakenings Festival in September was announced this week. It’s a celebration of all things techno and is normally a who’s who of that world. But sure enough, one name that isn’t on the list this year is Derrick May.

One of May’s friends inquired earlier this week about why he wasn’t going. After all, he has attended several times in the event’s 24 year history. So what was his explanation?

My source tells me “Derrick explained he’d had a fallout out with Rocco. [Veenboer, the founder of Awakenings] He was originally booked for 2020, but Covid f***ed that up – he just assumed his booking would carry on into 2021. Around February or March time, he says that Rocco told him he wouldn’t be required. Derrick got quite nasty – he said Rocco was a ‘racist motherf***er and something about Rocco having another black DJ he said he was putting on instead.”.

Another source verified all of the above, and added “Derrick also said he was thinking of going to Amsterdam anyway to kick his ass.”. Something that might be difficult, given I understand at least two complaints about May have been registered there, but I digress.

In truth, Rocco Veenboer cancelled Derrick May’s appearance after being contacted by numerous victims who’d spoken out about him. Once he saw the articles in question and heard from some of the women themselves, he pulled the plug.

Indeed, Annabel Ross referred to this in a tweet at the time. Veenboer messaged her to say it was “really over for Derrick at our events”…

Rocco Veenboer did not reply to requests for comment ahead of publication.


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