Is the curse of Voodoo Ray about to be lifted? A Guy Called Gerald is raising money to fight the label he claims is illegally exploiting his music for commercial gain

Back on May 21st, I wrote about A Guy Called Gerald’s revelation that he’d never been paid a single penny for “Voodoo Ray” or anything else he’d put out on Rham! Records in the 1980s. I came back to the subject on May 31st detailing a legal threat that he subsequently received.

Things have developed somewhat since. A Guy Called Gerald, real name Gerald Simpson, was asked a few times by different fans whether he would pursue legal action against the label – which isn’t actually the same label, as the original Rham! Records went bankrupt in 1992. He was a bit non-committal, from what I could tell.

But he seems to have changed his mind. He wants to raise £20,000 to fund his legal battle. At the time of writing, there’s £1900 already in the pot – not bad seeing it only launched this morning!

I’ve sent Barry Lancaster Smith – the owner of the new Rham! Records, who knows how to send legal threats to Simpson yet also proclaims he doesn’t know how to send him money – to see if he wants to comment. I’ll let you know if he does…

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2 thoughts on “Is the curse of Voodoo Ray about to be lifted? A Guy Called Gerald is raising money to fight the label he claims is illegally exploiting his music for commercial gain

  1. Were your wages in the bank today? Help A Guy Called Gerald to get paid, lifting the curse of Voodoo Ray once and for all… – Amateur's House 9 July 2021 at 12:06

    […] that he wanted to pursue legal action against the label in order to rectify the situation, launching a fundraiser to pay for […]

  2. The Saturday Recap – 26th June 2021 – Amateur's House 26 June 2021 at 09:30

    […] A Guy Called Gerald is suing to get his rights back. […]

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