If you’re ever feeling a little bit too cheerful – if such a thing is possible – and want to depress yourself a bit, take a look at the Instagram stories of okay-ish DJ Danny Rampling. The sheer number of conspiracy theories shared by the man himself daily would make even David Icke blush with embarrassment.
Even more depressing is the fact that over 26,000 people follow him on the platform, and a sizeable number of those will agree with his barmy views.
Until now, I’ve only been able to imagine what his wife, Ilona, makes of it all. She never seems to attend protests with him. She never shares any of his activities on her own social media. For a couple that used to be very public indeed, this degree of separatism is something I find quite odd.
Then someone emailed me over the weekend with this screenshot taken from Danny Rampling’s Facebook page last year. The very same aforementioned Ilona turns up in the comments. And I share it here with you out of a sense of public duty and mischief…

This explains a few things, doesn’t it?