It’s amazing what you can find on the Internet. I was searching for something related to a different story and I came across an old report from the Police Research Group. It’s part of the UK Home Office and was published in 1998. The report is called “Clubs, Drugs And Doormen”.
It’s intriguing reading about the old motto “control the doors, control the floors”. In other words, if you have control over who’s coming in, you can also control what happens once they’re inside. I touched on this subject the other day.
The report has an astonishing section called “Good Practice – The Ministry of Sound, London”. In it, the report talks about what’s effectively an amnesty box. If you have something on you that you know you shouldn’t, and you’d like to get rid of it without getting into trouble, you stick it in the box. Here is that section of the report…

I kid you not. Someone left a canister of tear gas in it. Did someone plan to head to Drumcree but end up taking a wrong turn? Your guess is as good as mine…