“I was promised hard articles”, claims a newcomer to the blog – so allow me to explain how things work around here…

I’ve recently been running an advert campaign on Facebook to try and increase the number of readers on this site. The readership has more than doubled since it began, and I’m pleased to say many are becoming regular readers and subscribers. To all of you, I say – welcome to the party!

The premise of the blog is simple enough. As my strapline says, I write about the stuff in dance music that others won’t. And the fact is I do. The Derrick May story was barely covered by the press, but I write about it extensively. Sterling Void creating an entire career on the basis of a lie was ignored in the media, but not here.

Unlike in the dance music press, this blog won’t pull its punches for fear of not getting an exclusive interview from someone with an agenda. Others stories and people are under investigation in the background and will be published when the time is right.

This is combined with less serious stories – because frankly, most characters in dance music are caricatures. And not everyone is a member of an evil conspiracy that deserves outing. Occasionally however, you come across the odd person who just doesn’t seem to get it.

Such as one person who arrived on the blog on Saturday, following my latest post about Kerri Chandler’s somewhat enigmatic membership of METI International. He simply commented “I was promised hard articles”. I’m not sure who by exactly – it’s certainly not a promise I’ve ever made anyone.

So, to put it in a nutshell – bread and butter topics for this blog include Derrick May, Sterling Void, DJ Sneak, how rubbish Mixmag is, Simon Dunmore’s takeover of the dance music world and having a pop at former Radio 1 DJs. Other subjects are covered too, of course, but these are the ones appearing most often at present.

The blog is not a rolling news service, nor is it a news wire. It’s where I comment on the latest things that please me, anger me, annoy me and possibly all three at the same time. I make no pretence at being impartial or objective – but I like to think I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

I hope that helps explain things for you…


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