Is geography not your strength, Whitney? Resident Advisor’s (based in London, by the way) new editor seems unaware who Italy were playing against last night…

I was wondering when we’d start seeing an improvement in the output at Resident Advisor now that they’ve got a new editor in charge – and if rumours emanating from the RA camp are correct, she was recruited on a significantly increased salary from the previous one!

So far, there’s no sign of it. Aside from one hatchet job article trying – and failing miserably – to distance themselves from plague raves, nothing has yet changed. And now I see evidence that makes me wonder even more about Miss Wei. Last night, she posted this…

File under F for Fail. It’s just as well that Resident Advisor doesn’t cover geography. Otherwise, she’d have failed that test as well. It was England who were playing last night – not the United Kingdom. There is no British football team – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all field seperate teams.

The Berlin based journalist really could do with learning a bit more about Britain if she wants to be an editor who leaves her mark on a publication based here…


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