Time was that DJ Sneak prided himself on the amount of work he did. For example, he said in an interview with 15 Questions that “Most DJs on my level and schedule, travelling 200 plus days of the year for more than 20 years have this thing called veteran miles… [we] always try to do their best even if we have flown or driven miles to get to the party, give you all smiles and great music. Many times sacrificing sleep, food, family time etc”.
These days, his hard work ethic undoubtedly remains. But he’s a little bit more careful with the use of his time. Judging by the finishing time of his Friday night live streams, he’s obviously developed a taste for having a nice mug of cocoa before lights out…

Then again, perhaps Sneak likes to be finished with enough time to catch the ten o’clock news before getting some shut eye, happy in the knowledge he’s seen a weather forecast beforehand…