Anti-vaxxers would have you believe that they’re great in number and even greater in power. Which largely shows you in itself how utterly incapable they are of handling facts – if their numbers are indeed as vast as they claim, explain this. At the time of writing this post, 87.8% of adults have had their first dose. Where is the big backlash against the vaccine?
London’s Gala Festival is due to take place from July 30th to August 1st. Now the government has previously said it advises mass gathering events, such as festivals and nightclubs, use lateral flow tests – but this isn’t compulsory. And this festival has decided to follow the guidance. Here’s the post in question informing us of this…
Arriving in the comments section, I was expecting to see the usual ugly spectacle of moonbeams, anti-vaxxers and Covid deniers. But I was pleasantly surprised. The last time I checked, there wasn’t a single one to be seen. Comments ranged from “demonstrating leadership in the scene” to, well, “thanks for showing more care than the government”.
A few other queries were from people who aren’t familiar with the Covid pass scheme, and they were answered politely and diligently. So the next time you see a comments section somewhere being besieged by anti-vax morons, just remember one thing – the numbers aren’t on their side. All they’re good at is making noise…