Wednesday Whisper #10 – the DJ who’s buying so much cocaine that he has his own click and collect arrangement with his dealer!

Which DJ has recently been making his drug dealer of choice very happy indeed? The DJ in question has been something of a cokehead for quite some time now – and this isn’t a particularly well-kept secret in the dance music world – but has recently given his dealer something to smile about.

Lately, he’s increased his order to what’s known as an eight ball. For the uninitiated – and that included me until I heard about this – that means an eighth of an ounce (roughly 3g) of cocaine with each order. And he’s not only been buying one a time, but several.

Indeed, he’s buying so much that his dealer requires that he phone in his order and arrange a collection date and time. A bit like Argos, but for illegal drugs.

His purchasing habits have not gone unnoticed by friends – and they’re intrigued as to how he’s able to pay for all this. He’s barely done any gigs over the past 15 months and has a fairly lavish lifestyle…


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