Wednesday Whisper #12 – the long-time DJ who always has a particular request with his lady friends…

Which legendary DJ was spotted recently leaving a nightclub with a young lady, roughly in her early 30s, after doing a set? This woman might not be pleased to know that she probably wasn’t his first choice that night. A few witnesses have confirmed he spent much of the evening eyeing up a blonde lady.

Quite how the post-nightclub events went remains a mystery. But the man has a reputation for being into a particular act whenever he’s with a member of the opposite sex. Another woman whom he went out on a date with recalls that at the end of the evening, he specified requested this act.

What is the act in question? Well, let’s put it this way. Amongst his friends – and possibly a fair few of his female fans too – the joke about him is every woman he is with, she’s the back door…


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