When Bill Hodgson went out on the evening of Friday, July 31st to the Cause in Tottenham, I don’t think he nor any of his friends and family could have anticipated the tragedy that would strike in the coming hours. What started as a night out ended in his death in hospital.
It’s a hard time for many. There’s no doubt his family will be going through hell right now. I understand the police investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death is still ongoing – the unanswered questions can only make the grieving process harder, not easier.
And let me emphasise I’m categorically not equating the two here – but there’s also no doubt for me that the Cause will also have had a horrid time lately. The truth is nightclubs are largely run and staffed by people who want those in attendance to have a good time. The idea of a death happening due to something that occurred on the premises would weigh heavily on their minds.
Amidst obvious concerns about safety will be the possible politics involved – a death associated with a club is going to haunt them come licence renewal time. Memories of Fabric being stripped of their licence after two deaths due to drugs at the club are still very fresh in the minds of many London venues five years on.
With all this in mind, The Cause has decided the first night back won’t even be a night – it’ll run between 1pm and 10pm tomorrow. Proceeds will go to The Loop UK, a charity dedicated to drug awareness and harm reduction. Tickets are on Resident Advisor and if you’re going, don’t forget your lateral flow test – you’re not getting in without a negative result.

Given the tragic circumstances they’ve found themselves in, I think the Cause has done the best it could to reopen in a sensitive manner. Perhaps such fundraisers could become a regular event – and yes, I’m looking at other clubs here too…