Now what do you make of this, Derrick? Artwork being flogged by Attack Magazine of techno originators – including May’s name, naturally – is aiding Refuge, a British charity that helps victims of sexual abuse…

Exactly who was responsible for Detroit techno becoming Detroit techno remains something of a mystery. For years, we were told it was the so-called Belleville Three who brought this music to the world. Then Blake Baxter, Thomas Barnett and others had something to say about this distortion.

So when Emma Jane Semmens was commissioned by Attack Magazine to do a map filled with names from the world of Detroit techno, it was inevitable some names would be missed out. And one has to wonder just how Dantiez Saunderson, for example, could be classed as an originator given that he wasn’t born until 1992.

However, as rubbish and incomplete as the artwork is, the causes whom will benefit from its sale do raise an eyebrow. One is Refuge, a British charity that helps women and children in situations of domestic abuse – this includes women whom have been sexually abused.

The other to catch my eye is Mighty Real Queer Detroit. They aim to “promote positive and meaningful images of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community”. Given the disgusting slur Derrick May used about Honey Dijon lately, one can only wonder what he makes of it all…

Confession time: I can’t take any personal credit for this story – this spot goes to Michael James…


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One thought on “Now what do you make of this, Derrick? Artwork being flogged by Attack Magazine of techno originators – including May’s name, naturally – is aiding Refuge, a British charity that helps victims of sexual abuse…

  1. borntoshredpaper 18 August 2021 at 18:55

    hahahhahahaa @ “And one has to wonder just how Dantiez Saunderson, for example, could be classed as an originator given that he wasn’t born until 1992.”

    Man I wish one day you and I could sit around and talk shit together. Too funny.

    Unless that sentence came from MJ, in which case I stopped laughing.


    On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 11:59 AM Amateur’s House wrote:

    > Amateur At Play posted: ” Exactly who was responsible for Detroit techno > becoming Detroit techno remains something of a mystery. For years, we were > told it was the so-called Belleville Three who brought this music to the > world. Then Blake Baxter, Thomas Barnett and others had” >

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