Right now, Danny Tenaglia is not a happy bunny. He’s just discovered – some two years after it happened – that someone called Mike Vale did a version of his song with Celada “Music Is The Answer (Dancin’ & Prancin’)”.
And he’s horrified by how appallingly poor it really is. He even calls Mike Vale the “scam artist of the year”. And to be fair, it really is that bad…

The original song, released in 1998, came with remixes from Fire Island, Futureshock, Cevin Fisher, Brother Brown and Deep Dish – alongside a couple of versions from Tenaglia himself. They were released over the course of 1998 and 1999, and included vocal mixes, dubs and one or two DJ tools too. But why use any of those when you can do your own lazy remake, eh?
A quick look on this Mike Vale’s page on Traxsource soon provides a list of similarly nondescript, sleep inducing records. Yet he’s somehow appeared on labels such as Armada, Roger Sanchez’s own Undr The Radr and Glasgow Underground – which was once a highly credible label in the vinyl days but now releases tat in order to remain relevant.
Tenaglia’s own case is somewhat undermined, however, by a comment Glasgow Underground themselves left on this video. They say “This is not Celeda, this is a cover. No samples from the original, everything recreated, hence it is Mike’s record, not theirs.”.
They also went on to say “Obviously we did this with the greatest respect to Danny & Celeda. We love the original and were sad that Twisted wouldn’t allow us to license the original. At least Danny & Celeda get all the publishing from this one”.
I’m not sure exactly how Tenaglia would explain that one. Mike Vale has not yet responded to a request for comment.