Two years ago, I started writing on my Facebook page about the activities of Sterling Void. Unbeknown to many people, he had spent over 30 years lying and cheating his way through the music industry. I spent months writing about stories I’d discovered myself, plus ones told by the people who were there at the time.
These stories were being widely read and shared, far more than anything else I wrote about at the time. So I expected there would be some interest from the dance music press – but it never happened. A friend of mine actually wrote to several outlets to ask them to cover it – only one bothered to respond, and they claimed to be “too busy” to write about it.
This started to really bother me. This was a story about a major name from house music’s early days essentially being a scam artist – and the press refused to cover it. What else weren’t they covering?
This is ultimately the reason why Amateur’s House was born. At the start of 2021, I launched this website and started writing. I soon started writing about issues that weren’t being covered elsewhere – and by around Easter, I’d made the decision to take things to the next level.
And one of my earliest supporters on Twitter was The Secret DJ. He’s been very kind to me – when I was starting out, he gave me a few helpful pointers on who to avoid. He also occasionally turns up to correct a mistake I might have made or to reveal some extra insight into something I’ve written about.
So when he caught Covid-19 last month for the second time, I was worried. This is the infamously more aggressive Delta variant, which he still caught despite being double vaccinated. When he disappeared off Twitter in mid-July, I suspected things had taken a turn for the worst.
And indeed they had. A few days ago, Mr DJ himself revealed he’d suffered “Delta-induced Bronchitis, loss of brain function and then pneumonia. All at once. Then an induced coma”. He now faces a long recovery period, including physiotherapy. None of this stuff comes cheap.
So go and help him out. The target is £20,000 – at the last time I checked, over £10,000 had been raised. And yes, Amateur’s House has sent some money. Although in homage to the Secret DJ, I did it anonymously…