After a fanzine from Shoom sold for £450 just days ago, a badge from one of Britain’s earliest house music supporters has appeared – but is it a Bobby Dazzler?

Last week, I told you about a rare Shoom club fanzine which had gone on sale at auction site eBay. It did pretty well in the end, selling at £450. Which, let’s face it, isn’t a bad price for something which basically sat in someone’s cupboard untouched for the best part of 33 years. May the buyer be very happy with their purchase.

And now another item has appeared from the legendary London club which existed between 1987 and 1990. This time, it’s a badge. It’s a straightforward enough little thing – yellow background, the infamous smiley face from the era and the Shoom logo on the bottom right.

To somewhat borrow the words of David Dickinson, “our independent valuers think it’s worth about £200” – and this time, the money’s for Led By Donkeys. They’re the ones who have been irritating Brexiteers by reminding them of daft things they’ve said in the past. Want it? Make an offer


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