Operation Rehabilitate Derrick May hits a potentially massive problem with a possible EU travel ban for US residents – and Detroit keeps being hit with massive flooding…

I’m getting sent some interesting chatter this weekend which reveals Derrick May is getting rather anxious about something in the news.  This did initially surprise me, as one of my sources previously described May as being “completely ignorant” when it came to current affairs – but upon looking into it, the chatter seems to check out.

With Covid-19 cases being on the rise in the USA at the moment – with 187,868 new cases and 2,213 deaths being confirmed in the country yesterday – the news is awash once again with talk that the European Union could be about to reimpose a travel ban on the USA once again. If this was to happen, May would only be able to visit a handful of European countries – the United Kingdom being one.

Given that Hagi Craig has been particularly keen to speak to people in EU countries who are bizarrely still interested in booking Derrick May, another ban would, of course, be a major setback to her ridiculous attempts to rehabilitate him into the dance music world. I understand that May is getting increasingly “frustrated” with spending so much of his time in his native Detroit.

To be fair, however, I don’t entirely blame him. The city has suffered repeated flooding this year – the metropolitan area of Detroit is actually in the middle of a flood warning at the  time of writing this post. They were previously battered in June with heavy rain. The problem has been ongoing for years, but 2021 has been especially bad.

Officials believe the reason the city keeps being hit is poor infrastructure, although the same officials currently remain surprisingly resolute in their determination not to do anything about it. A report in the Metro Times reveals they’ve been more interested in installing lanes for cyclists than fixing the problem.

A less likely theory, as one source suggested, was that the city was cursed. As he put it “It’s as if there’s a person who’s been in this city for many years who’s bringing lots of negative energy, and God doesn’t like it”.

I couldn’t possibly comment…

The Six On Saturday column returns next week.


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