So what was the most important news story of the week? Was it Nicki Minaj saying the Covid jab gave her cousin a bad case of swollen testicles? The authorities in Trinidad and Tobago went through their files and sure enough, it turned out the story was a load of balls.
No, it has to be this belter from Mixmag magazine. Admittedly, it’s not quite up there with their recent scoop about Priti Patel using dodgy numbers to justify Covid restrictions, but it’s still a good one – it’s about how Nile Rodgers has fallen in love with a canal in Liverpool. And people accuse me of writing any old rubbish…
Perhaps next week, we could have an article where Low Steppa takes some Mixmag journalist around the streets of Birmingham to show us his favourite drains? Maybe we can have an extended piece all about Defected boss Simon Dunmore’s favourite steak restaurants in London – we already know he likes his meat!
The following week, how about a feature where Posthuman shows us his favourite shopping trolleys and reveals what he does when he encounters one with a squeaky wheel? Or maybe we could have a read about Judge Jules and his favourite pie shop in Wigan?
The series could even go Stateside. Sterling Void could show us his favourite crack dens. DJ Sneak could tell us about how he’s fallen in love with a tree whilst over in Detroit, Terrence Parker could tell us about the time he accidentally deleted his piano preset on his computer.
Carl Cox’s favourite roadsigns is the one I’m really looking forward to, though…