At least show us you care! After a 20 year old dies at the Warehouse Project in the early hours of Saturday, still no word on when Sacha Lord or his club are going to make any comment…

Tragedy struck in Manchester over this weekend. A 20-year old man, whose name hasn’t yet been released, went for a night out on Friday at the Warehouse Project in the city. Fate had a terribly cruel twist in store for him – he wasn’t going back home.

During the early hours of yesterday, he began to feel unwell and was taken to hospital at 3.30am. And sadly, he died a little while later.

My condolences, of course, go to this man’s family and friends – I cannot begin to imagine the hell you are going through right now. Exactly what happened is currently unclear, but three men and one woman aged between 20 and 23 were arrested by Greater Manchester Police on Saturday. As this is obviously now a police matter, I won’t be commenting on the specifics.

But I do have to query exactly how the Warehouse Project – and their owner Sacha Lord – have responded to this horrible event. Whilst a customary quote has been provided to a few news outlets which have reported the story, anyone looking at their pages over this weekend will be none the wiser of what has happened.

Instead, they simply spent most of yesterday answering questions about whether people could get in after 6pm and promoting forthcoming events. The death in their club the night before has not merited a single mention – indeed, the closest that Warehouse Project got to saying anything about the incident was a series of tweets yesterday urging anyone who isnt’t feeling well to seek out medical assistance as soon as possible.

Yet whilst Lord remains silent over troubles closer to home, it seems that a few weeks ago, he had no issue at all referencing the death of 21-year old Bill Hodgson at The Cross in London…

Not for the first time, Lord’s stance on such issues appear to change when one of his own venues are involved…

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