Blink and you’ll miss it! Black Coffee is performing at the Riviera Theatre in Chicago next weekend – but why is city native Derrick Carter’s name so incredibly small on the flyer?

This coming weekend, Black Coffee is on the bill for an event at the Riviera Theatre in Chicago. We know this because his name appears in a ridiculously large font on this flyer, alongside some kind of image of him. But anyone taking a quick glance at the flyer below would be half forgiven for thinking he’s the only one making an appearance…

Notice anything? Derrick Carter is also due to make an appearance on the same evening. But am I the only one wondering what on earth is going on with this poster? His name is absolutely tiny – and the appalling choice of font makes it barely legible.

And spare a thought for poor old Dom Brown. When I first saw this flyer, dodgy typeface included, I honestly thought it said Don Brown. He runs the Activist:Chi movement in the city and was hailed in June 2020 for organising a 30,000 strong protest – in the middle of a pandemic…

Nonetheless, I can’t help but think it’s a little bit sad that two Chicago natives don’t have more support in their own city. Or are the organisers just trying to hint – as subtly as a brick over the head – that Black Coffee’s pay is significantly larger? This blog is happy for you to decide on that one…


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