Two weeks ago, a 20-year old man died at the Warehouse Project after taking drugs. The club made no comment on their social media pages, something which irked me on the Sunday after it...
Something new for him to get upset about! As World Health Organisation approve a malaria vaccine for use in Africa, why isn’t anti-vaxxer Danny Rampling foaming at the mouth with indignant anger yet?
Believe it or not, but there was a time in history when the arrival of a vaccine against a terrible virus or illness was viewed as a positive development. Let’s take smallpox, for example....
She’s only done it again! DJ Rebekah – figurehead of the #ForTheMusic movement against sexual assault of women – was pictured last month with ANOTHER friend of Derrick May…
It was Edgar Allan Poe who once said “If a man deceives me once, shame on him – if he deceives me twice, shame on me”. And if that’s really the case, DJ Rebekah...
Did someone tell them the furlough scheme has ended? Northern Ireland’s nightclubs can FINALLY reopen from Halloween – over three months after England unlocked the doors…
England reopened their nightclubs on July 19th. Wales reopened theirs on August 7th and Scotland followed on August 9th. Clubs have also opened up in much of Europe, the USA and other countries. High...
And to think it started so well! Annabel Ross loses the plot over EDC line-up numbers, even trying to drag the CEO into her mud – and a source gives me an insight you won’t find in her ongoing diatribe…
I’m not a journalist – I have no formal training in the field. Whilst I did consider becoming involved in this world many years ago, life took a different path. Mind you, when a...