Here’s One They Made Earlier: yes, I’m about to link to a Sugababes record and yes, this remix is probably crap – but I quite like it anyway!

Believe it or not, but there was once an artist called Joey Negro. When I first learnt that the word “negro” had racist connotations, I found it utterly bizarre that no one ever batted an eyelid at the name. Especially when you consider it was used by a white man whose real name is Dave Lee. The name remained in use until sometime last year.

Anyway, Joey, much like Dave, was partial to a bit of disco. Which is just as well, because in the late 90s and early 2000s, much of the world was partial to it too. A well-chosen disco sample on a record would probably make it a hit – and sometimes a less well-chosen sample would do it too.

Which reminds me of this – the aforementioned Joey’s dub of “Soul Sound” by the Sugababes…

This tune is one of my guilty pleasures. I shouldn’t like it. It gives off the same vibe as when they try to create a dance version of an already bad theme tune for a game show on TV. It was also a remix of Sugababes at a time when they already had a reputation for being utterly naff.

But for some reason, there’s something about it I like, and there still is. Maybe it’s the escapism it helped provide at a stressful time in life that did it for me… 


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