We’re the ones who make the f***ing money!” – the ill-tempered rantings of an anonymous DJ who gets in touch following Electric Daisy Festival lineup controversy…

Part of the reason why I launched Amateur’s House was to give a voice to people who don’t have one in the dance music press. Which is why I’m pretty comfortable with the principle of giving people anonymity if that’s the price which needs paying to find out what they really think.

With that in mind, I can reveal that one of the male DJs on the Electric Daisy Festival lineup has got in touch with the blog. After reading the controversy over the lack of women and minorities on the bill last week, (covered here and here) the man in question got in touch to say what he thinks. And it’s such a different perspective to anything published elsewhere – and it’s certainly not one the utterly charmless Annabel Ross will be covering, rest assured.

Given she’s still talking about this after a whole week,  I asked him if I could publish what he said on the subject, and he agreed – provided he remains anonymous.

He said “Festivals can definitely do way better and book more women. I think some of their excuses for not doing it are bull****, but I’m not to blame. They book who they want to book, and they booked me.  In dance music, it’s been the men who bring the money in from day zero.  It’s that simple. They book us because they know our names sell the tickets. We’re the ones who make the f***ing money for them, simple.”.

And seemingly trying to lay the blame elsewhere, he said “I probably shouldn’t say this, but promoters are lazy f***ers. They book us to give themselves an easy life. Putting more women on the bill would mean they’d have to do more work to promote it. There’s not as many women DJs with our profiles. Yeah, they’d be complaining because they’d have to do their actual f***ing jobs!”.

Draw your own conclusions…


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