Opening and closing parties just 24 hours apart and a lineup as business techno as they come – an enticing offer from Amnesia Ibiza this weekend, it ain’t…

It’s safe to say the whole of the Ibiza season this year has been pretty much a write-off. That’s two years now of being unable to operate entirely for much of the time. Heaven only knows I wouldn’t like to be the accountants who have to deliver the news about their finances right now.

Which is why this blog finds itself torn on the reopening of Amnesia in Ibiza. The Spanish authorities relaxed the rules to allow venues to open – subject to some restrictions – as of October 8th. However, this came so late in the season that the majority of clubs decided to sit the rest of the season out.

Only a few have opened – and Amnesia is holding both its opening and closing parties within 24 hours of each other as a result. And the lineup is stuffed full of business techno types – the more I look at this, the more it looks like a naked cash grab.

Normally, I’d be mortified at how shameless it is. But in the highly unusual circumstances they find themselves in, I can’t say I blame them for adopting the slogan “go big or go home”. I just wonder how much money they’ll have left after paying the gargantuan fees some of the names on the lineup normally command…


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