Whenever a festival announces its lineup these days, a few things are inevitable. A flurry of people are going to respond by saying “woo hoo, take my money!”. Other people check the line up and go “nope, not for me”. And then you have the latest trend in the dance music world – which is to go through the whole list to see how many women and minorities are in it.
So I thought I’d have a go myself. The festival I’ve decided to look at is Ibiza Spirit, which is due to take place in Cancun, Mexico between February 19th and 26th next year. The first batch of the lineup has been announced. So do they fare any better than the frankly abysmal numbers of Electric Daisy Festival?
Well, 48 acts are listed on this flyer…

Breaking it down, there are 11 women listed – Alisha, Anfisa Letyago, Chloé Caillet, Cincity, Desiree, Francesco Lombardo, Heidi, Julie McKnight, Lauren Lane, Layla Benitez and Nicole Moudaber. Which means 22.91% of the lineup is female.
And as for non-whites? This is obviously subjective, because I don’t know exactly how everyone on the list describes themselves. With that in mind, I counted Black Coffee, Cincity, Desiree, Jesse Calosso, Kings Of Tomorrow, Julie McKnight, The Martinez Brothers, Themba and Todd Terry. A total of 9 out of 48 – or 18.75% of the lineup.
Let’s see how long it takes for Annabel “Charmless” Ross to appear – it doesn’t usually take long. If the boss of Ibiza Spirit is on social media, you might want to ignore your mentions for a few days in case she turns up…