The UK nightclub linked to a coronavirus cluster by the health authorities – and they’re threatening legal action on anyone who reports the details…

The British government might well be pretending that the pandemic is over. But here in the real world, most of us know otherwise. Over 43,000 new cases were confirmed across the UK yesterday. And like many, I find myself asking where all these cases are coming from.

Well, one nightclub in the UK – I’m afraid I can be no more precise than that – is wondering the same thing. They held an event a few weeks ago – as most nightclubs do – and all went well. There was no trouble on the night, a good time was had by all and the bar did a roaring trade. Management patted themselves on the back – until a phone call came in around ten days later.

It was from the public health authorities, claiming they had identified a large coronavirus cluster in the area – and information supplied by test and trace teams suggested it originated from this particular nightclub. As I understand, the owners of this particular club are known in the area for being rabid anti-vaxxers – so they didn’t take the allegation particularly seriously.

As far as I can see, this particular story hasn’t been reported anywhere previously. So this blog decided to send them an email to ask if they had any comment. Shortly afterwards, I heard back from their solicitors – threatening me with libel proceedings if I was to publish the story.

Which was terribly nice of them. But what was the one thing this threat didn’t contain within it? A denial of the allegations being made. A source with connections to the club informed me the owners are also threatening legal action against the health authorities over the matter…

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