Andrew Lloyd Webber did a DJ set this weekend and played an EDM remix of “The Phantom Of The Opera” – but can someone please tell him you’re meant to mix the next record in?

Andrew Lloyd Webber. You might know this name from the world of musicals. You might know him as the man who once suggested he’d break lockdown rules – and was rewarded with the Prime Minister suggesting “Cinderella” could become a government test event. Or you might even remember the time he voted to cut tax credits for the poor.

And now, at the grand old age of 73, Lord Webber has decided to get involved in the world of DJing. Even in this world where practically anyone can give it a go – even when most will inevitably be crap at it – this one caught me somewhat by surprise.

Here’s some footage, taken from outside Broadway in New York. The track ID, because it seems compulsory for someone to ask these days is “The Phantom Of The Opera”. The artist is unknown, as is whoever did the remix…

Hmm. It tells you something about the state of dance music that this isn’t a complete train wreck. Indeed, it’s nice to see a crowd for once that actually seems into the music and is enjoying themselves – in most videos of this type I see these days, the only one enjoying themselves is the overpaid DJ.

But as far as I can see, he only played one record. Who does he think is, Father Billy O’Dwyer? So perhaps next time, he could arrive with a bit more material. Oh, and seeing he’s worth £650million, he can afford to commission some more remixes from his musicals.

Perhaps Masters At Work could do one of their dubs of “I Don’t Know How To Love Him”. Or Derrick Carter could create a credible house interpretation of “Any Dream Will Do”. And maybe a new mix of “Sunset Boulevard” by Sterling Void – leading to articles on this blog asking who really made it.

Full credit for his enthusiasm, though. A lot of DJs can’t manage anything like that, and they’re nowhere near 73…


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