Is THAT what DICE saw in Boiler Room? Survey by IFPI reveals 65% of people will continue to watch music live streams after the pandemic ends

There are some out there that would have you believe live streams will never catch on. You should question why these people are saying such things. Maybe it’s because they personally don’t like them. Maybe it’s because they feel it’s not the same as being physically present at an event. Or in some cases, these are people who are losing money because of the trend.

Whereas the truth is rather different. The first band to live stream their music online was Severe Tire Damage – and that was all the way back on 24th June 1993. The genie has been out of the bottle for nearly 30 years, and it’s not going back in.

And the pandemic has accelerated the trend. Many have liked what they’ve seen – a survey by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry reveals 65% of those who have been watching live streams as Covid has gone around the world will continue doing so into the future. Yes, some people will undoubtedly think a live stream isn’t the same as being there in person – but have they stopped to consider that isn’t the point?

For every person out there who enjoys going to gigs and festivals, you’ll have someone who wants to go, but who finds the experience a real hassle. I speak from experience – when I’ve been out all day doing school runs, cooking meals, running this site and everything else, the last thing I want to do in the evening is sort out childcare and dress up to go out somewhere.

Most nights, I’m far happier at home with a cup of coffee. That choice came with a consequence in the past, but why does it still need to? Things move on. As far as I’m concerned, if you willingly choose to close yourself off to a potential new audience, that makes you an idiot.

When I consider all this, I start to realise exactly why Boiler Room was recently acquired by DICE. I have no explicit insider knowledge here, but my guess is DICE wants to add things onto Boiler Room’s streams – like the opportunity to buy merchandise. Something which often requires you to have physical cash in person – but something which can be done in just a few clicks online. Your only limit is your bank balance!

Although heaven only knows how much DICE will have to do to turn around a company with an £11million accumulated loss

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