Pandemic, what pandemic? Even Covid hasn’t dented Defected’s prospects as net assets grow 29% during 2020 – and even his wife got over £60k out of the company!

Simon Dunmore is pretty unstoppable at the moment. This blog frequently covers the man himself and his Defected empire, and as I wrote recently, the mood in his company has been on the up lately.

Although there are plenty of reasons why Dunmore need not be down. I had a look over at Companies House to see how Defected has been doing during the pandemic. Have nightclubs and festivals being closed affected their bottom line?

The short answer is no. According to their full accounts as of December 31st 2020, Defected had net assets of £1,330,323. This is a 29% rise on the £1,030,391 they had at the end of 2019. Not only this, but the company hired staff during the pandemic, not fired them. The statement reveals they had an average of 36 employees in 2020 – five higher than the 2019 figure.

One or two other interesting things included is the information Dunmore was paid £66,000 during the year, on top of his salary, for “services as a record producer”. And Dunmore’s wife received £64,500 in “consultancy fees for merchandise services” – hardly surprising given this became a more important side of the business whilst clubs were closed.

And when you add on the other six companies of which Simon Dunmore is a listed director – and in most cases, the only one – you quickly discover that the pandemic hasn’t done any harm whatsoever to the Defected empire…


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