This really doesn’t look good, you know? Rebekah and Sacha Wall’s chat about #ForTheMusic has been pushed back for a FOURTH time – and leave me asking difficult questions…

Let’s get one thing out of the way at the start here. This blog desperately wants to be supportive of the #ForTheMusic movement. I happen to think it’s necessary, and I happen to think it’s timely and a great idea. But with each passing day, I find myself asking more and more questions of the campaign’s leadership.

And this weekend, I’m finding my patience is being pushed nearly to breaking point. A few weeks ago, we were promised a conversation was going to take place between Rebekah Teasdale and Sacha Wall, two friends who are working on this campaign. Yet this discussion has still not taken place.

It was meant to happen last Friday – yet has been pushed back to December 10th. This is now the fifth date given to the talk. It was originally scheduled for November 11th, then November 19th, November 26th, December 3rd and now next Friday.

Now it may well be there are good reasons for the seemingly endless delays to this conversation taking place – but from a PR point of view, this is nothing short of a disaster. Frankly, it makes the people in charge of #ForTheMusic look utterly incompetent. Christmas is knocking on the door and will be here in just three weeks time.

Holding the discussion over the Christmas and New Year period is a surefire way of ensuring it gets virtually no coverage in the dance music press. For the sake of the entire movement, this latest delay must be the last…


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