This week’s selection is a particularly personal one for me. It brings back a mixture of pleasant memories and very dark ones too. This came out in 2004 – an extremely difficult year for me. I was in the midst of a deep depression and didn’t even realise it.
Infact, I actually tried to commit suicide in July of that year. I first heard this one a few weeks before this happened. It’s the Wally Lopez remix of Dark Globe’s “Break My World” – with that utterly haunting vocal from Amanda Ghost. Here it is…
And it’s the section from 2 minutes 55 seconds in which set me that night. I burst into tears and just couldn’t stop all night. To this day, I don’t know if it was those lyrics or the emotive strings coming into the mix which did it – but I couldn’t listen to this record for a few years afterwards.
These days, I see it as the moment things started to change, even if they did get worse before they got better…