Many years ago, a man far wiser than me said I shouldn’t be afraid to speak the truth, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it makes certain people feel as a result. And this...
Wednesday Whisper #31 – the promoter who got a little more than he expected after an encounter with a lady…
Which promoter recently got more than he bargained when a sexual encounter went awry? Word reaches me of an incident a few weeks ago. Apparently, the promoter got himself a free ticket and went...
So how many drinks out there ARE being spiked and who’s doing it? Nobody knows, so the UK Parliament’s Home Affairs committee is going to try and find out…
A few months ago, reports started surfacing across the British media about spiking. The economy reopening and bars and nightclubs trading again brought a slew of headlines about drinks being laced with drugs –...
And how are you going to persuade people to swap Christmas dinner for queuing to get a jab, Mr Johnson? My question as he wants everyone from the age of 18 offered the Covid booster by New Year’s Eve…
I wish I didn’t have to keep banging on about vaccine passports, but life right now is just like a box of Christmas chocolates – whilst you don’t know which one you’re going to...
And they say all this blog does is criticise! Sacha Lord manages to do what every British politics journalist failed – submit a Freedom of Information request on THAT Downing Street party Mr Johnson claimed never happened…
Contrary to what some people think, I’m not a journalist. Yes, I might well have the permanently suspicious mindset of your traditional journalist – and some of what I do is no doubt journalism...