Not a bad way to end the year! As Louie Vega heads home for the Christmas holidays, Traxsource leave him “honoured and grateful” by awarding him their Artist of the Year 2021 prize…

I know this blog gives him a bit of stick occasionally, but there’s few people in house music whose staying power impresses me more than Louie Vega. People often forget he’s been around since the late 1980s – but the reason he’s still around is because he keeps making new music.

And whilst he’s just as happy to trade on past glories as most DJs and producers from that era, he also knows that as newer generations come along, the charm of those productions from the early days eventually starts to wear a bit thin. So whilst he may describe Traxsource naming him their Artist of the Year 2021 as “unexpected”, I can’t see many others being as surprised.

Yes, having a high profile artist like him on Traxsource undoubtedly helps bolster sales – but those sales wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t one of the hardest working people in the industry today. And one thing this blog will always appreciate is someone who puts the hours in.

So it’s no wonder he’s feeling particularly festive this year, if this picture from Instagram stories is anything to go by…

I understand a Masters At Work release is on the cards for early next year, along with a few other things. Looking forward to it already…

Merry Christmas to all of my readers out there. Amateur’s House returns with plenty more reading on Boxing Day.


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