A number of people contacted me three weeks ago today after this blog published an article about Danny Tenaglia staging a night out at Hard & Soul on Christmas Day. Some of you appeared to misunderstand what I was saying – that the concept of going out on Christmas night was my idea of hell.
I had no problem with anyone else going there. If they like the idea of heading out on the most festive day of the year, more power to them. But sadly, that won’t now be happening – with Danny Tenaglia himself confirming that he, along with the venue, aren’t comfortable running the event at this time. The reason? Take a guess…
This is a truly weird time, isn’t it? Nightclubs remain open in many parts of the world, but a lot of them are cancelling events of their own accord. Indeed, this is at least the fifth cancellation I’ve read about today alone. I feel like I’ve woken up one morning earlier this week and found myself back in the days just before the first lockdowns of 2020.
This isn’t good. Last time around, many countries brought in furlough schemes to help keep things going – there’s no sign of most of them doing the same again right now. It’s as if they’ve realised that approach is unaffordable and ultimately unsustainable.
I wish I could be a little more cheerful about the state of clubland this Christmas – but I’d be lying to you. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see some clubs giving up and closing entirely in the New Year. This thing isn’t over – and at this rate, the only winners will be unregulated plague raves and house parties.
I’m going to go and eat more chocolates…