Because it’s Christmas time, here’s a special Boxing Day edition of the blog’s series looking back at highlights from days gone by. And I’m going to say something which some of you might find controversial – but it’s what I think!
Back in 2004, Skylark – a duo which consisted of Andy Chatterley and Nic Fanciulli – did a remix of Prana’s “The Dream”. Now, the original mixes came out in 1994 and were by Deep Dish. Whose music back in this period was incredible, and some of it quite groundbreaking.
But “The Dream” was one of those tracks which never caught on with me. Until Skylark remixed it and did this with it…
Probably my favourite part was the breakdown just after 2 minutes where the sample starts to work its way up to the higher echelons of the mix – and that moment where you recognise what you’re listening to.
So yes, I always preferred the Skylark version of this. Feel free to disagree…