Ever since I started speaking out about the painfully outdated advertising that Nervous Records stubbornly persist in using, the label has responded in the way it always does – by doubling down on its strategy whilst ignoring the criticism. But it’s a tactic which only works if you’re right to begin with.
And unfortunately, Nervous aren’t. If other labels in house music used the same sales tricks as they did, they might be able to explain this is what the public like – and they’d have a point. The trouble is, though, is they’re a lone ranger in all this. Other labels use videos showing their events, memes and other ways of promotion.
A few days ago, the first sign came that Nervous have noticed the criticism and finally decided to say something. Not to me, of course – no, speaking to someone who might actually ask questions back is too difficult – but to a person who visited this post on their Instagram page.
To the accusation of “blatantly objectifying women”, Nervous simply said no. They said they “don’t see it that way at all”. It’s an odd strategy of answering criticism – especially as I’ve been told more than once the label’s social media pages are actually run by a woman. Here’s the full exchange…

This is an interesting change of tack. Previously, a New York source close to the label has told me they’ve been privately considering changing their advertising strategy for a while – although publicly, they’ve remained silent on the entire subject. Until now, of course.
Perhaps change is on the way after all. Just don’t expect a major public announcement about it – the same source told me any changes would be done “in a gradual way”…