The dance music world is a strange place. If it was just about the music, it would be alright – but more often than not, things like money and individual egos start to get involved. Still, I can’t complain too much – it gives me a heap of content to write about.
Anyway, someone sent me this late on Friday and I thought it was worth sharing – because it’s one of the most bizarre things I’ve seen for a while. In recent years, events have normally been called off due to either government imposed Covid-19 restrictions which stop them taking place – or the inability to get insurance in case of this happening.
In more normal times, reasons for events being pulled include issues with the venue, a major act being unable to make it to the show or something similar. They don’t normally include “male menopausal behaviour”. And yet that’s precisely what happened when a live stream of a House II House was scrapped just hours before it was due to start…

Curiously enough, Friday was the same day which Adele announced she was cancelling her Las Vegas gigs – just hours before she was due on stage and after people travelled from all over the world to see her. Still, at least the House II House crew spared us the ordeal of a whining, self-pitying video…