A clarification on our Jesse Saunders article

Yesterday, Ears To The House published an article originally headlined “Is Jesse Saunders promoting house – or himself?”. The article itself queried why only Chicago DJ Jesse Saunders seemed to be doing interviews on the subject of the history of house music for the mainstream press outlets currently taking an interest in the genre.

Since publication, a few people inside the team have expressed some dissatisfaction with the chosen headline, saying it doesn’t reflect the contents of the article. So we’ve changed the headline to “Why are the press only talking house with Jesse Saunders?” – something we believe is more accurate.

For the avoidance of any doubt, the article simply queried why other voices were not also appearing in press coverage over this interesting debate. It does not question whether Saunders has suitable credentials to talk about the history of house music – as someone who was instrumental in setting up Trax Records in 1985, it’s clear he does.

On a more positive note, anecdotal tales we’ve also received also suggest our theory that Jesse Saunders is simply quicker at answering the phone aren’t far off the truth…


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