Wednesday Whisper: 10th August 2022

Which DJ has a particularly curious habit that is allegedly stopping women from sleeping with him? A woman contacts Ears To The House with a curious story about how she met this male DJ at an after hours party – and she readily admits she found the man in question very charming.

They spent the best part of an hour talking about all kinds of topics, from the serious to the stupid. It seems they got on well. So well, in fact, that he invited her back to his house afterwards for coffee. As the two people involved have a number of mutual friends, she made the decision to go to his home.

She was pleasantly surprised when the DJ in question did, in fact, provide her with a coffee. Unbeknown to her, the DJ in question is actually quite a gifted barista – she reports it was one of the best coffees she had ever tasted. After that, the DJ loudly and proudly tells her about something he calls his “sex playlist”.

Upon being asked to switch it on, she discovered one notable fact. Every single song in the playlist was one of the DJ’s own productions or remixes. It was at this point she thanked her lucky stars she was a lesbian…


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