DJs Playing Badly – 12th August 2022

Starting from today and featuring every single Friday, we introduce a new column to Ears To The House called DJs Playing Badly. Each week, this column will seek out the worst of the worst in DJ performances and celebrate or shame them – depending how you look at it. Whether it be audiences overreacting to something very minor or otherwise, a DJ playing a set designed to induce sleep or just another example of awfulness, it will appear here every week.

This week’s opening installment is this set from a DJ called Lea Kadoche. The clip shows her playing an outdoor set at Mykonos in Greece. Regrettably, the best thing about the video is the wonderful scenery surrounding it – the less said about the music, the better. But the thing most amiss in the clip? Kadoche appears to be turning a knob at the beginning of the video, and… well, take a look and see if you can work it out.

Yes, that’s right – she did not actually turn the knob. The white line on the knob does not actually move at any point – yet the audience still went wild.

Congratulations, Lea Kadoche – you are the first entrant in the DJs Playing Badly hall of fame. Join us next Friday for another DJ fail…

Got a nomination of a spectacularly bad video? Forward it to the Ears To The House Instagram page or send us an email!


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