Wednesday Whisper: 7th September 2022

Which DJ really should learn to just shut his mouth when going through airport security? Word reaches us of an incident for one particular male DJ who was flying out of Ibiza last week. He was travelling with another DJ, their joint manager and a member of staff.

The DJ was in a jovial, somewhat mischievous mood when arriving in the airport – he even stopped to give a signature and a selfie to someone who recognised him. Shortly afterwards, it was time to clear the security queue, which was surprisingly quiet for the hour of day.

Just ahead of him in the queue was a gentleman using a wheelchair. Because he couldn’t come out of his chair, it meant he had to be taken into a separate queue and given a full body frisk. At which point he audibly commented “those wheelchairs carry all the bombs, don’t they?”. A member of security asked him to repeat his comment – at which point, he was taken into a separate room.

Some hours later, he emerged – the crew he was travelling with had cleared security with no issues, but opted to pay for later flights so they could travel with the DJ. He made the ridiculous claim afterwards he’d been strip searched by security staff convinced he was up to no good – his gullible friends remain convinced the story is true…

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